Adventure Time Battle Party Wiki

Once players are matched, they enter the champion selection screen. Here, they must choose a champion and a backpack. The selected backpack dictates the available battle junk, which can be upgraded using skill points earned by leveling up to boost the champion's stats. Each team can have only one of each character, although the same character may appear on both teams.

Upon choosing their champion and backpack, players spawn in the battle arena. This arena comprises two base areas at each end of the map, connected by two lanes: the top and bottom lanes. A jungle area situated in the middle of the map hosts neutral monsters, providing extra points and experience when defeated.


Player Controls and Actions

Clicking the ground with the left mouse button prompts the champion to move to that location. Right-clicking on the ground allows players to ping. Clicking on an enemy unit initiates the champion's attack. Champions possess abilities linked to the Q, W, and E keys, unleashing diverse effects like damaging enemies or applying debuffs. Additionally, each champion boasts a passive power that remains constantly active or triggers automatically under specific conditions.

Engagement and Progression

Units lose HP as they sustain damage, ultimately getting KO'd when their HP reaches zero. When a champion is KO'd, they respawn at their base after a short delay. Earning experience points from defeating enemy champions, minions, and jungle creeps leads to leveling up. Leveling up enhances stats and grants a skill point to upgrade battle junk. The accumulation of skill points in these items amplifies stat boosts, augmenting damage, armor, shields, health, and more, based on the chosen backpack.

Tactical Gameplay Elements

Minions from each team's base advance along the lanes toward the enemy base. Players can influence the minion battle by attacking the enemy minions to ensure their minions' advantage and a successful push towards the enemy base.

Towers, strategically placed along the lanes and within each team's base, pose formidable obstacles. Destroying these towers is necessary to reach the enemy base. Players must push their minions into the tower's range to divert the tower's attacks, enabling the destruction of the towers. If a player engages an enemy champion within a tower's range, the tower will prioritize and attack that player until they exit the range or get KO'd.

Altars placed across the map offer team-wide buffs when captured after standing on them for five seconds. Lane altars provide defensive buffs while the central altar grants an offensive buff. Opposing teams competing for control of an altar will have it captured by the team with more players on it.

Special Monsters and Scoring

Powerful monsters near each lane altar, such as the Goo Monster and Kee-Oth, grant temporary buffs when defeated. The Goo Monster grants a movement speed buff, while Kee-Oth offers an attack power buff and drain. Points are accumulated for actions like defeating minions, jungle creeps, and enemy champions. If neither team's base is destroyed within 15 minutes, the team with the highest score claims victory.


Kee-Oth in-game


Goo Monster in-game

End of Match Rewards

After each game, players receive experience, increasing their Rank and earning new medals upon reaching specific rank thresholds. Additionally, coins are awarded, which can be used to unlock more backpacks and character outfits.


  • Suit Yourself: Purchase an outfit (100 Points)
  • Lord of Battle: Reach Rank 5 (150 Points)
  • Conquerer: Win 10 matches (200 Points)
  • Party God: Get a 9+ KO streak (200 Points)
  • First Strike: Win a match (100 Points)
  • Goo Gone: Defeat Goo-Monster 10 times (500 Points)
  • Too Freakin' Legendary: Win 100 Matches (500 Points)
  • Double Time: Win 10 2v3 Matches (500 Points)
  • Seek you, glory: Get 1000+Points in a match (150 Points)
  • Knock, knock: Get a double KO streak (100 Points)
  • Blood Demon: Defeat Kee-Oth 5 times (500 Points)
  • Bravery: Win 5 1v3 matches (500 Points)
  • Hero Biz: Get a triple KO (200 Points)
  • Fight Power Supreme: Get 100 KO's (200 Points)
  • Packing Heat: Purchase a Backpack (100 Points)
  • You are awesome: Get a 3 KO streak (150 Points)
  • Party On: Play a match (100 Points)
  • Altar Beast: Capture 10 Altars (100 Points)